Vidua purpurascens

Purple Indigobird

Subspecies and distribution:

monotypic - southern and East Africa

Morphology: (Payne 1996)

Plumage - dull purple

Bill - white

Legs - pale purple

Wing - brown


Jameson’s Firefinch (Lagonosticta rhodopareia)

Host song mimicry: (Payne 1973, 1993, 1996)

Most distinctive mimicry is the “purr alarm, which has more than 22 notes per second and can sound like a purring cat. Also mimics slow and fast trills, a two-part “t’we t’we” whistle, and the “feeew” whistle of the female Jameson’s Firefinch.

Fry, C. H. and Keith, S. (Eds). 2004. The Birds of Africa. Vol VII. Christopher Helm, London.

Quicktime video of scrolling sonogram featuring the

purr” alarm mimicry.

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