Vidua codringtoni

Twinspot Indigobird

Subspecies and distribution:

monotypic - southern and East Africa

Morphology: (Payne 1996)

Plumage - green or blue

Bill - white

Legs - orange to red

Wing - black


Peter’s Twinspot (Hypargos niveoguttatus)

Host song mimicry: (Payne 1973, 1993, 1996)

Twinspot Indigobirds mimic the high-pitched “trrrrrrrreee” trill and begging calls of the Peter’s Twinspot.

Interactive Google Earth map: (updated July 2009)

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red: geo-referenced ORNIS record

white: user-generated record

Fry, C. H. and Keith, S. (Eds). 2004. The Birds of Africa. Vol VII. Christopher Helm, London.

Quicktime video of scrolling sonogram featuring the

trrrrrrrree” trill mimicry (sec 6-9).

Quicktime video of scrolling sonogram of mimicry of the host begging call (sec 5-12).

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